What does feminism look like?

Feminism is the idea that women are people too or is that just over simplifying the matter? I'm not sure what it means to be a feminist in this day and as women we are supposed to want it all. Is it okay if I don't?
Now I'm not Bella Swan ( poorly written heroine from the Twilight series) nor do I wan't to be but I'm not sure what feminism means in this day and age and if there's a place for me there.

In some ways I am self sufficient unless something breaks and then I have to call someone in to repair it but surely that's why my building has a handy man, right? although it was a little more embarrassing the time my car got a flat ( I've only been driving a year now and this was about 6 months ago) up in Limerick and I had to call breakdown assist to come change it, way to make myself feel like a helpless woman. I should probably learn to do things like that but in a way I really don't want to. It's more a case of being aware of where my strengths lie and making peace with that.

If I had grown up in another era I'd probably be the lady with several cats( this is working on the assumption that in this alternative reality I'd find cats to be a little less sneaky) as I can barely cook, clothes have been known to get more wrinkled after I iron them ( as an unrelated side note, you'd be amazed by what you can get away with not ironing) and I think it would be a vast exaggeration to say that I can sew. I could get a button back on a coat if I was pushed but it would look like a web made by a drunken spider.

I'm not sure If I ever want to be married and I certainly never daydreamed about a wedding when I was younger but as with everything else in life that may change someday (but I doubt it ).In two weeks were doing a wedding fair in work and I've been roped into modelling a wedding dress in the fashion which I suppose is a compliment of sorts and should be hilarious. Also I'm told there will be wine so there's that But I
digress, do I want equal rights? well of course I do and I want equal pay to go with it. Do I think women should be able to do everything men do? but of course ! but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to do all those things, just that I'd like the option to be there.
I think there are some things that men are better at, that they are more naturally inclined to be skilled in certain areas and men are stronger than women, for the most part. Now don't get me wrong because not all men are better than all women in these areas and the same goes for strength. If The Forge has taught me nothing else its that not all men are stronger than all women but I'm only going to strive to be stronger than myself if that's okay with you and I'll be happy with that.

The more I go looking, the more I can find what a feminist isn't but I still don't know what a feminist is. Perhaps that's because you can't slot us all into the same box or even expect us all to want the same things.
Don't take my word as gospel, I only speak for myself.


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