Stop waiting for Someone else to make you happy.
I wasted for too much time leaving my happiness in the hands of others. Sometimes you just do what's easiest in life but you pay for it down the line when the realisation dawns that all this talk of destiny is rubbish and there's no such thing as meant to be. Your life will
Only ever be what you make of it and the only person who can control your Happiness is you.
I find life to be easier when you stop fighting the truth so I'm giving it a go, tracing lines through my own imperfections and then seeing what I can do to change.
I'll admit that I have some control issues in that I haven't felt in control of my own life and I dealt with that by becoming.a child so rigid with food that I imagine other people's parents dreaded having me for tea. In a sort of what the hell are we going to feed the fussy vegetarian kid way. And then I blossomed into an incredibly fussy adult but I'm
Slowly relinquishing my grasp and realising there's a lot more i have the power to change so it doesn't matter as much what I'm eating. It's strange because in doing this I saw,that even though I would have argued passionately about knowing what I like for so many years, that maybe I don't actually know what I like. Especially when it comes to things I've never tried. This applies to
Food but it also applies to so much more.
With this realisation my horizons have broadened and I see my world doesn't have to be such a tiny place. That maybe
I should be trying new things with an open mind and then deciding if I like them. While it seems like common sense, if life has taught me nothing else it's that common sense is not as common as it should be.
So I'm not waiting anymore for someone to make me happy and I'm relinquishing control of everyone's life but my own. There is no surer path to misery than trying to live in the lives of others, you'll
Neglect yourself and garner nothing but frustration. it might have taken me this long to learn it but that's a vast improvement on never learning it at all
Only ever be what you make of it and the only person who can control your Happiness is you.
I find life to be easier when you stop fighting the truth so I'm giving it a go, tracing lines through my own imperfections and then seeing what I can do to change.
I'll admit that I have some control issues in that I haven't felt in control of my own life and I dealt with that by becoming.a child so rigid with food that I imagine other people's parents dreaded having me for tea. In a sort of what the hell are we going to feed the fussy vegetarian kid way. And then I blossomed into an incredibly fussy adult but I'm
Slowly relinquishing my grasp and realising there's a lot more i have the power to change so it doesn't matter as much what I'm eating. It's strange because in doing this I saw,that even though I would have argued passionately about knowing what I like for so many years, that maybe I don't actually know what I like. Especially when it comes to things I've never tried. This applies to
Food but it also applies to so much more.
With this realisation my horizons have broadened and I see my world doesn't have to be such a tiny place. That maybe
I should be trying new things with an open mind and then deciding if I like them. While it seems like common sense, if life has taught me nothing else it's that common sense is not as common as it should be.
So I'm not waiting anymore for someone to make me happy and I'm relinquishing control of everyone's life but my own. There is no surer path to misery than trying to live in the lives of others, you'll
Neglect yourself and garner nothing but frustration. it might have taken me this long to learn it but that's a vast improvement on never learning it at all
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